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Inflammatory Bowel Disease Fellowship Program

Northwestern University offers an Advanced Fellowship in Inflammatory Bowel Disease for focused training in clinical care and/or clinical, translational or basic research in inflammatory bowel disease. This training is intended to further the sub-specialty training in gastroenterology and serve as a fourth-year (additional training) educational experience for GI fellows intending to focus careers related to inflammatory bowel disease. It is anticipated that applicants will spend their time between clinical inpatient and outpatient IBD patient care, clinical, translational and/or basic science research, as well as participation in other scholarly activities, such as contributing to case reports, review articles and book chapters.

After completion of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease fellowship, trainees should be capable of evaluating and managing complicated patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease to determine: diagnosis, indications for endoscopy/radiography, indications for medical therapy and appropriate therapeutic monitoring, indications for surgery and post-surgical management, management of IBD during pregnancy and other specialized cases.

Further program details, including our housestaff manual and a sample training contract, are available on our McGaw Medical Center Graduate Education site. 

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Emanuelle A Bellaguarda, MD

Emanuelle A Bellaguarda, MD

Program Director - Advanced IBD Fellowship Program

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

View Faculty Profile

Angela Tucker

Education Coordinator

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Physician-Scientist Training & Resources

We offer a wide range of resources, mentorship opportunities and formal training programs to help our residents and fellows excel as physician-scientists. Explore all of the resources and hear from housestaff who are making research a major part of their career development plans.

Visit the Starzl Academy Site